Thursday 26 April 2012

Drilling Waste Management Programs in Alberta, Limnos Environmental Ltd.:

If the life cycle of a typical well site in Alberta is considered, there are a number of activities that will contribute to the potential environmental liability of the site. Given that all sites are expected to be reclaimed to an equivalent land use at the end of their life, managing environmental liability is a significant issue confronting operators. Additionally, understanding environmental liability allows the operator to better plan anticipated expenditures and to more effectively manage acquisition and divestures as needed.

In spite of the above situation, many operators do not regard drilling waste management as an important consideration. In reality, drilling waste disposal can often be the largest source of environmental liability during the operation of a well site.

Operators that plan drilling waste management as an integral part of well site development and step away from ad hoc disposal practices will realize better compliance, reduced reclamation costs, and reduced environmental liability. ERCB Directive 050 in Alberta provides for a wide range of disposal options, but it is important to realize that the document may not provide the level of diligence required to ensure reclamation suitability.

We have provided operators both large and small with guidance on the development of drilling waste management plans, as well as third party auditing of well files to ensure compliance and to ascertain levels of environmental liability. These steps have proven to assist operators in lowering costs, ensuring compliance and understanding the environmental liability accrued on any site. We invite you to discuss your current drilling waste management plan with us and determine if Limnos Environmental Ltd. can help you achieve the goals of your program.

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